27th JULY 2011 

My second novel "Le stelle di vetro" (The glass stars) is finally available. You can purchase it here and also read a preview (clicking on "Inizia a leggere").

23rd JULY 2010

My second novel "Le stelle di vetro" wins the "Best Book Beginning 2010's contest".
Thanks to all the people who voted for me! Here the results.

22nd JULY 2010

As you can clearly notice, the web-site has been given a brand new look, easier and fresher than before. Hope you can appreciate it!

30th JUNE 2010
My second book has been chosen by the "Scuola Holden" of Alessandro Baricco, to participate to the "Best Book's Beginning 2010's contest" (Miglior incipit 2010).
You can vote here

10th APRIL 2010

My book's presentation: 15th of April, in "Escuela oficial de idiomas" of Seville, 21 doctor Fedriani's street. Beginning at 17.00. The participation is free.
In the morning, beginning at 11.00, I will have an hour of conversation in italian with the participants.

25th DECEMBER 2009I wanna wish you all a very merry Christmas. Hope you can really enjoy this day.
Thanks to Costantino for the following picture.

03rd DECEMBER 2009

Rome Book Fair 2009, in the Congress Palace of EUR's district in Rome.
The participation is free. You may buy my book in the stand of "Il Filo" publisher.

31st OCTOBER 2009
The new facebook group "Sboccerà la neve sopra il mare delle solleticorche" is available if you want to have a closer contact with the autor. Thanks

26th OCTOBER 2009
Here you have the interview I've been made by Andrea Menaglia during the TV show "Libri Oggi" (Books today), recorded in Rome the 27th of March.

19th SEPTEMBER 2009

After 10 months, my first novel keeps being the sellest one into the "Imago" collection of "Il Filo's editing"

08th AUGUST 2009
Finally, the manuscript of my second novel "Le stelle di vetro" ("The glass stars") is ready. Thanks again to everybody for your usefull support!

25th MAY 2009
Yesterday I was the guest of the "Book Fair 2009" of Seville. For this occasion, I read a text by the Spanish philosopher Josè Ortega y Gasset, titled "Theory of Andalucìa".
Following you can find some photos from this event.

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